Classic Arrangement of Roses in a Basket and Assorted Sweets Gift Pack with Free Rakhi Roli Tika and Chawal for Rakhi Celebration
Product Description:
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Deck the beautiful relation you share with your siblings and dear ones by sending them this Classic Arrangement of One Dozen Red Roses in a Basket and Assorted Sweets Gift Pack (250 gr.) with Free Rakhi, Roli Tika and Chawal for Rakhi Celebration. (Weights are in Gross)
Rs. 1425/-
1/2 Kg. Assorted Sweets and 12 Red Roses Basket with 1 Free Rakhi, Roli Tika, Chawal
Rs. 1825/-
1 Kg. Assorted Sweets and 12 Red Roses Basket with 1 Free Rakhi, Roli Tika, Chawal
Rs. 2365/-
Earliest Delivery : 9-FebRemote locations may take one day more.